New Year’s Greetings 2024
The past year your HOA completed the following:
- Over $1800.00 in unpaid annual dues collected via the lien process
- Property taxes, incorporation, insurance, post office box, and website fees paid
- No soliciting sign installed at Front Entrance
- Lake treated twice for weed growth–spring/mid-summer—and raked
- Streets lights repaired/replaced
- Front entrance, lake entrance, and all street and stop signs pressure washed
- County Public Works Department contacted re possible replacement of General Lee, Jeb Stuart, and Blue Ridge in 2023—all three have made the tentative rehabilitation list. Public Works advised us that all street replacements should be completed by 1/31/24.
Those of us who have called Widewater home for a number of years could have never imagined that homes would one day be selling for in excess of $300,000. Help us to protect our property values, as well as being a good neighbor, by adhering to both Coweta County Codes and Widewater Homeowners Association Covenants. The appearance of your property has a direct impact on the property values of your neighbors. If you were not given a copy of the WWHOA Covenants at closing, you can obtain one at our website: .
Please refrain from blowing grass clippings into the street, as they are mixing with pine needles and getting hung up on the corners of our storm sewers impeding the flow of waterduring storms. In addition, if you have a storm sewer in front of your property, it would be a great help if you would keep it clear of obstructions.
The WWHOA Facebook Page grew in 2023 to 144 members. It is a great resource for keeping people informed and creating a sense of community in our subdivision. Please consider joining at:
If you are a lake property owner please consider acting as lake keeper. It would involve the following:
- Twice annual application of Aquashade for weed control
- As needed lake raking to remove dead weed close to the shore
The Aquashade treatment is applied in March and July. The number of lake rakings fluctuates with the aggressiveness of lake weed growth. The last couple of years it was done four or five times. These tasks are currently performed by a Board Member who does not live on the lake. It would constitute three to five total hours of volunteer time for the year.
The 2024 dues statement is included with this newsletter.
Thank you to John Cook and Amy Brown for their time serving on the Board.
We currently have two openings on our HOA Board. Please consider joining the Board and serving your community. If you are interested please contact the Board through the Contact Us page of our HOA website: .
Do not hesitate to contact—info on website—your Board with any questions or concerns.
Lastly, we would like to extend a hearty welcome to homeowners that moved into Widewater during 2023. Welcome to the neighborhood!
President – James McCurdy
Vice-President – Open
Treasurer –Larry Burns
Secretary – Open