In our Annual Newsletter we indicated that it was the intention of the Board to send out unpaid dues notices every September, as we did last year.
We find ourselves, however, in most difficult economic circumstances as a country, due to the COVID-19 virus. Recognizing the difficult financial times we are going through, unpaid dues notices will not be sent out next month.
Any homeowner who wishes to bring an outstanding balance up to date, or simply wants to be sure that their account is up to date, may contact us—see contact page—and we will be happy to provide you with the account status of your property. Many thanks, as always, to those of you that keep your accounts up to date and are faithful in remitting your annual dues.
The Board wishes to be very clear that this not an exoneration of any property account that is in arrears due to non-payment of annual association fees. This is simply an acknowledgement of the very difficult situation that we find ourselves in as a country. While the Board is charged with the administration of WWHOA business, we are also your neighbors.